After my panic about where my practical work was heading I was ready for the practical group critique today. The focus for our feedback was allocated to the learning objectives:
- LO1: Demonstrate consistent knowledge and understanding of your subject area, making detailed reference to current and emerging practice
- LO2: Identify issues or questions relevant to your subject and adopt established research methods, clear analysis and appropriate written and visual communication through a draft research report
- LO3: Evidence a clear understanding of contextual, historical and ethical concepts using research material from a variety of sources relevant to your own practice
- LO4: Plan your learning, using a range of techniques, references and approaches appropriate to your subject
- LO5: Evaluate a diversified field of information and ideas in order to make informed judgements about appropriate questions and potential solutions to problems
- LO6: Communicate creatively and appropriately to a variety of audiences using spoken word, text and images
I was amazed and terrified to see how much development work people have done already- Lucy Timm's theater project has really taken off with some great idea progression and possible outcomes already. I am feeling really stuck about how to move forward as I feel like I have so many ideas in my head but don't know how to put them into practice. However I got some positive feedback and constructive ideas so I'm feeling a bit more focused now and need to power forward. The group liked how I have taken quotes from the book and categorized them so I can quickly reference from them when drawing. There was also positive feedback about my marbling pieces and suggestions that I convert them to monochrome and use those in my collages which is a great idea.
Lee Ho Hand Pip Ho, Jordan Clark

D. Mon Chill Drin, Jordan Clark
The main point to move forward seems my tent collages as people saw potential for development so I think i need to keep playing with collage and also layering. I liked Lucy's layering of acetate so I may try layering some of my textures and collages to make illusions within my images. Catrin also said that the collages were my strongest work and to definitely move forward with them which I was quite glad to hear as it's the work I enjoyed creating the most.
Catrin's feedback also stopped me panicking so much about capturing the story perfectly:
"Try to match your illustrative approach to the ideas that excited you in the book. Rather than attempting to illustrate particular moments allow yourself the freedom to pursue your image making- particularly the collages."
Therefore my next focuses are to get my research file up to date and to continue to experiment with collage, texture, layering and lighting.
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